Hello and welcome to "Your Hjem." Peeking into the homes of people with inspirational interior style. All different styles, from all over the globe.
This week I am joined by Linda from Porvoo, Finland! She's 34, and lives with her partner, and is Mama to their two year old son. She was a stay at home mama for two years and has now returned part time to the wonderful world of fashion. Their amazing home is set 5km out in the the beautiful countryside and into the woods! Sounds positively DELICIOUS!
Linda, welcome to YOUR HJEM! Thank you so much for allowing us into your wonderful home! First of all, how would you describe you interior style?
Linda, welcome to YOUR HJEM! Thank you so much for allowing us into your wonderful home! First of all, how would you describe you interior style?
This is a never ending story to be honest! I like so many styles and have a hard time to say what mine really is... When it comes to select/do someting for our home it takes time... but I do like it light, white, with some grey and wood at the moment. My flat in my 20's was very colorful, even this house had more colours in textiles but it has all changed in a couple of years.. This is our grown up home and I do love it! I love the place here in the woods. It is a very peaceful spot to live in, extremely homely and cosy. I love modern simplicity too, but it just doesn't work for me, even though I truly love that!
Tell us a little about how you selected and acquired your home
My hubby and I had been together for a while, and we started looking to buy a house. Neither of us are "builders," so when we couldn´t find anything that wouldnt have needed big renovations we decided after some thought to go for a turnkey project. The house was a turnkey project by Design Talo. We chose one of the house models, made the changes we wanted and then the project started October 2008. The house was finished in March 2009, and we moved in 22nd March. I make it sound so easy but of course there was a few bumps along the road, and if I were ever to do a project like this again there are a few important things I would have given more thought and planning to, before it actually gets done.. I wish I had had instagram back then.. ;) :D
That's such a cool story! Let's start in the living room, what is your favourite thing in here?
The fireplace! And the fact it's so spacious and light. You can see through the house:) And the high ceilings (which are good with a hubby over 2 meters!) Also the big windows give view to the forest. I love the harmony. Also a big favourite is my stringpocket! I love to do diffrent #shelfies and that is all thanks to instagram! :D My tresure chest from 1886 is also an old favourite ;) even if I have only had it a year or so. I bought it off a friend who was moving abroad.
Favourite thing in the kitchen?
The dining area with the big window. And my absolute favourites are the vitra eames chairs, I love them! I also like the kitchen cupboards. They are all white, but I do wish we would have thought about open shelf solutions also. We have big drawers in the kitchen, which is a big plus! I love to have storage space everywhere! The kitchen is always a bit cluttered Im afraid, and I am forever dreaming of empty surfaces.
Your bedroom:
The black and white interior we have there. The photos of our toddler on the wall and my playtype poster. Love changing the interior with sheets and pillows... I always say "one can never have to many pillows" ;) hahaa

Haha, I do like a decorative pillow! Baby's bedroom:
Well it is colourful! I would like to paint the walls white and put a ferm living wallpaper on one wall... But lets see if that ever happens...;) The Ingela P Arrhenius poster "Lion" is my favourite, also because that is our toddlers horoscope. And IKEA's Stuva serie is ruling that room with all the storge space.
I love the fact we have two showers and a sauna in the bigger bathroom, and the tiles are black and white. Timeless and simple. The smaller bathroom is on the other side of the house between our toddler's and my room. Yes I have my own room, which just is a big mess at the moment! That room is my big project. Then we also have, as I call it, #officeslashguestroom next to the livingroom.
What are you inspired by when you shop for your home?
Recently it has just been insta to be honest! It gives me alot of inspiration and new ideas for our home! I do love to read magazines too, but lately it's just not happening! And sometimes I get an idea just out of nowwhere and then I start to google :D Sadly my ideas takes time to actually get them done! And sometimes the ideas just dont work and its back to squre one.
Any brands you'd like to claim your undying love for, or any new brands you'd like?
I love love love my designletters by Arne Jacobsen! Also the Vitra eames and tolix chairs. Marimekko, Hay, fermliving, ikea, muuto just to mention a few.. ;) The list is long! :DAny brands you'd like to claim your undying love for, or any new brands you'd like?
J'adore designletters! Finally: What's on for wish list?
Well on my wish list right now is to get the vestibule done! Paint it and have muuto dots on the wall and i really would like the Vitra Uten.Silo. I am also dreaming about some Arne Jacobson and Hay pieces... and a muuto sofa would be nice. But they are only dreams for now and probably forever. But its good to have dreams and I bet there will be many more along the way... but as you can gather from all I´ve said our home is far from finished but we do love it!
Thank you so much for agreeing to being interviewed. I absolutely love the peacefulness of your home, I can totally imagine this amazing cool home, in the middle of beautiful nature and woods. PERFECT!